Get comfy…this is a long one.
This 4th of July weekend I ran the Freedom Run
here in Reno. The race featured both a 5k and a 10k option, I chose the latter.
Me running this race was no accident, it took a lot of strategic planning to
pick this race. I am running the 2nd half of the San Francisco
Marathon on the 31st of this month, and I wanted do to a tune up
race. I’ve never done a tune up race before, but I was reading all about it
online and it sounded like a good idea since my past few race results have been
less than stellar and I wanted to know where I was at as far as running shape.
I chose this race because it was almost 4 weeks out from my goal race and I
read that a 10k is the perfect tune up race distance for a half. Plus the race
started at 7:00am, I could beat the heat.
At packet pick up they asked if I wanted to purchase some
raffle tickets. I took a look at the prizes and there were some pretty
incredible ones. Hotel stays, massages, full vacations, etc. I told them I
never win anything, but since it was for a good cause, I bought 5 of them for
$20. More on the raffle tickets later.
I had this perfect plan to execute this race day exactly how
I had planned to execute my half marathon race day later this month. The race
started at 7:00am so I woke up at 4:45am to start the eating and digestion
process. I planned to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but I realized
that my husband bought “Oat Fiber Bread”. I learned the hard way that me, fiber and
racing do not get along. So, I ate Spaghetti O’s instead (so far not to plan). I
always take some sort caffeine 45-30 minutes prior to a race, so I followed that
protocol as well. I got to the race about 20 minutes before it was to start.
When I arrived, volunteers were still setting up tables (this should have been
my first clue). I started with a brisk 5 minute walk and transitioned into a 5
minute jog. I then completed by entire dynamic warm-up routine. My legs had an extra
spring in them and I knew this was going to be a great race day.
I found one of my
running buddies and we started to chat. He mentioned that it was a small turn
out at the race, I looked around and got excited. There were maybe 20 people
standing around (this should have been my second clue), Maybe I could come in
top 3 females. After a few minutes, I looked at my watch and it was 6:58am. I
knew 3 others running this race and none of them were here yet (and this should
have been clue number 3). I thought maybe something happened and they weren’t
going to be racing, but I thought it odd that all 3 of them wouldn’t show up.
Plus it was 2 minutes until the start and no one was gathering us up, in fact
they were still hooking up the sound system. At about 7:05am, I really started
wondering when we were going to start. At 7am, it was already 72 degrees out
and I wanted to get going before it got too hot. I knew this was a small local
race, but come on. At 7:15am, my running buddy approached the race director and
asked him when we would be starting, his reply, 8am (as my sister says, I got
chumped)! I was completely flabbergasted (I love that word). I threw a mini
(and private temper tantrum) and huffed all the way to my phone to check the
email they sent out in regards to the race, because I knew for a fact it
started at 7am (read with absolute haughtiness). I pulled up the email and read
“you can pick up your packet at the race starting at 7:00am”…wait…what…”pick up
your packet” at 7:00am??? Wow, was I really that dense. All I saw originally was
“race starting at 7:00am”. I couldn’t believe I was so off, but at least I wasn’t
the only one, me and the other 20 folks all thought it started at 7.
For the next 35ish minutes I stood around and spoke to the
other apparently clueless racers. More and more people started showing up,
including my 3 other friends. I once again went through my dynamic warm up and
warmup jog. However, because of the standing in one spot for the last hour, my
legs were no longer springy. It fact they felt like lead. The temperature had
risen to 80 degrees and I didn’t bring any extra caffeine with me. So, there
went my perfect execution.
The race started at about 8:02am. This course was pretty
much out and back, starting at a park, with the first half of the course being slightly
uphill (about 125ft gain). I slogged my way through the first 3 miles, my legs
never loosening up and my breath out of control. I tried not to look at my
watch too much as I’d rather race by feel. When we got to the turnaround point
I looked at my watch and saw we had hit 2.75 miles. Now, I’m no mathematician,
but I don’t think 2.75 plus 2.75 equals 6.2. I got a little worried and then a
little happy that I wouldn’t have to suffer through an entire 10k. --Side note,
on the way back a lovely volunteer thought it would be a great idea to walk the
course smoking a cigarette. Just what I wanted smoke to fill my gasping lungs. I
arrived back at the park, feeling miserable, heavy and hot, I kept looking for
the point at which we would enter the park. Finally, I saw the point, I assumed
we would be going back the same way we went out, but I was wrong. We circle the
park for about a mile. This means I spent the next mile staring at the finish
line having no idea when we would be turning to make that final dash to the
finish. I am mentally week. So in all honesty, I gave up mentally, I was ready
to be done. I slowed my pace and just wanted to get it done with. Finally,
there was the finish line and I was allowed to run through it. Normally, I give
it my all and leave nothing out on the course, not this time. I maintained my
pace and crossed.
This race definitely did not go to plan. It did not give me
the confidence to run a great half in less than a month. My finish time was
51:16, I was really hoping for a 50:xx, and I wouldn’t have felt super bad
about the 51:16, if it had been a true 10k, but it turned out to be 5.95 miles.
Had it been a true 10k, my actual time would have been 53:xx. Not good.
I truly believe if the race would have started at 7:00am, it
would have been a better race for me. But standing completely still for an
hour, did not help my legs any. Next time I’ll pay better attention to those
Remember those raffle tickets I mentioned earlier, I didn’t
win anything, but I do remember them saying you had to be present to win. I
stayed around the race talking to my friends and I noticed the volunteers
packing everything up and I say a prize that hadn’t been claimed. I walked up
and asked one of the volunteers that since no one had claimed it and I had
raffle tickets could they pull tickets until the got to mine. The volunteer
shrugged and handed me the prize. SCORE!!! It was a $20 gift card to Reno eNVy
(a local clothing store). When I got home, I looked in the bag only to discover
it was completely empty save a bit of confetti. Hm, not so “score” after all.
Chumped again!
Official race stats:
Overall Time: 51:16
Pace: 8:16
Gender Place: 8/25
Overall Place: 27/54